Bedsores are unfortunately are a common problem resulting from mobility issues. It’s always important to start bed sore treatment at the first sign of any symptoms. Pressure sores are much easier to deal with when they caught early. Pressure surgery usually not commended until you have not progressed into the 3rd/4th stage.
Pressure sores are divided into four stages, stage 1 is mildest and stage 4 is severe.
Stage 1- Erythema, Redness present only no skin breach
Stage 2- Skin peeling/ blisters present
Stage 3- Deep into fat layers, surrounded skin red inflamed, pus pockets may present.
Stage 4- Deep to muscle, bone, ligament & tenders black, Necrotic eschar present on it.
Risk factors:
- Bedridden patient
- Elderly diabetic patient
- Malnourished thin patient
- Incontinent
- Wheel chaired person
Most Common parts of body for pressure ulcers:
- Sacrum
- Occiput (Back & Head)
- Ischial tuberosity (Buttocks)
- Shoulder
- Heels, both malleolar region
- Frequent change of positions every 2nd hourly
- Use air nimbus mattress bed
- Keep the area dry. (Powder, cleaning)
- Frequent change of bed sheets, there should be no folds in bedsheets.
- Protect bary areas with special cushions
- High protein diet
- Poorly treated bedsores can lead to very scary complications.
- Stage 3 & 4 can lead to septicemia & become life-threatening also.
- Can lead to Amputation of that particular area especially feet
- Stage 1st & stage 2nd management will be conservative like a frequent change of position, air mattress, high protein diet and daily dressing to keep the area dry.
- Stage 3rd & 4th need surgical debridement ( removal of dead skin) of the wound.Daily dressing /VAC dressing (Vacuum-assisted closure)
Later-on when the wound becomes healthy wound cover with local flap/skin grafting (Plastic surgery).