What is Genital Surgery?

The terms genital surgery or modification refers to permanent or temporary changes to human genitals. Some forms of genital alteration are performed at the behest of an adult, with his or her full and informed consent. Genital mutilation is performed by adults on other individuals, often infants or children, without the latter’s consent, and often by force.

Genital Surgery is possible for both Male and Female gender. Self esteem is intimately related to a person’s perceived image of his or her genitalia. Self esteem may be impaired if a person feels inadequate compared with a perceived ideal. Considerable aesthetic improvement is now possible in genital appearance.

The following services are available for genital enhancement-

Male genital cosmetic surgery

  • Penile lengthening.
  • Penile girth increase.

Female genital cosmetic surgery

  • Labia minora reduction
  • Labia majora enhancement
  • Pubic fat liposuction
  • Pubic lift
  • Vaginal tightening (VAGINOPLASTY)
  • Hymen repair
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